Missions Sujiko
Document the long and consistent efforts put in by the founder members and other office bearers that followed them in providing a visible platform to its members.
Spread the spirit of love, oneness and co-operation.
To foster friendship and understanding among its members and to develop common loyalties and mutual interest through literacy, social, educational and cultural activities.
To sustain and perpetuate the cultural heritage of Gujarati.
To promote the spiritual, social and cultural development of all people who believe in the diverse manifestation of the Hindu religion.
To unify the Hindu community by developing an appreciation for and celebrating all aspects of the Hindu Philosophy and Religion.
To provide critically needed assistance and services to the members of our community and engage in humanitarian activities.
To help our children develop a sense of pride and identity with our Indian heritage, while actively helping them prepare to be the finest citizens of our new adopted home.
To promote inter-religious social and cultural understanding.
Surat Jilla Kolibandhu Samaj – Mumbai (SUJIKO-Mumbai) today has grown in strength, branched out in many directions, served the society in every possible way and provided a channel to nurture the inner talent in every member and their kin. It has built a strong bridge between younger generation and our rich cultural heritage.
It has been good fortune of the Samaj that right from the Veteran genius Ranchhodji Bhikhabhai Makhanwahla it has been led by dedicated Board members of whose selfless services, contributions have resulted in creating Gujarat away from Gujarat.